I should run around the pile of beds. Mother
will get angry if I play too far away. I should try to run around the
bed and keep the game here. Raju always runs far away and I have to
run after him to catch him. Raju is not a good boy. Vishnu was a good
boy. He was also a fast runner. But he never got me into trouble.
Mother was not always an angry person. It
is the heat. Where we lived before we had a shaded house and mother
would sleep in the afternoon. Now there is no shade in the day. Heat
makes her angry. And hunger.
All our things are near that tree,
but this tree has no shade. My feet are still hurting from when I slipped from trying to climb it this morning. I landed on concrete.
Hey look at that piece of wood. It
is shaped like a gun. That gun I had in the village, that was really like a gun. I
will never find a gun like that one, ever. There aren’t many trees
here. That is why I don’t find any surprisingly shaped wood.
Ok Raja is not chasing Raju now. He
is coming for me. Okay Raju! I will keep it around our beds. Oops! I
bumped into a man who has woman like long hair.
“Sir food sir.
Hungry sir. I will eat sir. Food sir!"
He patted my head but did
not give me any money. Maybe because I was laughing. When you laugh
they also laugh. But I am getting good at the words, I can say it and
get back into game very fast.
It is strange that I will never see Vishnu again. He was swept away into the ocean. He must have not woken up. I also did not want to wake up. My mother slapped me and handed me a load of things to carry. I cried. It was so strange. Everyone was leaving in a hurry. I did not think about Vishnu then. I only thought of him many days later, someone was talking about their family.
And then we came to Chennai. And now we live here under this leafless tree and wait for the hot day to pass, waiting for the cool evening. A lot of people gather here in the evening, everyone seems to wait for the hot day to be over to come out of their homes and be near the breezy ocean. Many people take buses to come here for the breeze! Lot of them also come in cars.
That car is big, its seats look soft and smell like food. I only touched it. There is nothing to get angry about. Anyway they can only shout, they can never chase me, I am too fast for them. Like the car. One day when I grow up, I will also have a car. That will show them.